「失敗できない」ロボット・Pepper(ペッパー)のレンタル・イベント運営なら生活革命。 国・自治体・医療・銀行・訪日など「失敗できない」イベントでのレンタル実績が豊富です。 独自のロボット強化システム「なんでも喋るロボ」で桁違いに賢いPepperの派遣・レンタルも実施。

【5/19Androidモデル追記】Pepper モデル毎の違いは? <価格・料金比較編>

This post is also available in: 日本語 (Japanese)


<関連記事>今「Pepper(ペッパー)を買うか悩ましい」3つの理由。 Android対応は実質「新機種」の発表会だった!


3分で分かる、Pepper(ペッパー) for Bizかんたん解説




今回の記事では、Pepper(ペッパー)の一般販売モデル、Pepper(ペッパー) for Bizの法人向けモデルに加え、2016年5月19日に発表されたAndroid対応のPepper(ペッパー)の開発者向けモデルの価格・料金を比較しました。実はそれぞれのモデルで支払い方法(一括払い・分割払い)や契約方法(買い取り・レンタル)が異なり、毎月の支払額や合計金額も変わってきます。ホームページの情報だけではPepper(ペッパー)を契約したら結局いくらになるのか迷ったことはありませんか?また、そもそも本体以外に何のためにお金がかかるのかをよく分からない方もいらっしゃるのではないでしょうか?この記事ではPepper(ペッパー)を契約するために必要な料金についてまとめました。難しい料金プランや契約方法もこの記事さえ読めば大丈夫です。








「Pepper 本体」を購入もしくはレンタルするための費用が必要です。「Pepper(ペッパー)本体」には、Pepper(ペッパー) そのものの他にPepper(ペッパー)を利用するための充電器などの付属品が付きます。






・基本プラン:「Pepper(ペッパー) 基本プラン」
・保証サービス:「Pepper(ペッパー) 保険パック」
Pepper(ペッパー) 基本プランに関しては37ヶ月目以降の契約は別途ソフトバンクから案内がされます。
Pepper(ペッパー) 保険パックに関しては37ヶ月目以降の故障対応は都度見積もりとなっております。



Pepper(一般販売モデル) 分割払い


Pepper(一般販売モデル) 分割払い




Pepper(ペッパー) for Biz(法人向けモデル)の価格・料金

Pepper(ペッパー) for Bizでは契約方法をレンタルプランと買い取りプランの2つから選ぶことができます。

・基本プラン:「Pepper(ペッパー) for Biz 基本プラン」
・保証サービス:「Pepper(ペッパー) for Biz あんしん保証パック」
Pepper(ペッパー) for Biz 基本プランはレンタルでは加入必須、買い取りでは加入任意となっております。Pepper(ペッパー) for Biz あんしん保証パックは加入任意です。サービスの契約期間は36ヶ月です。
Pepper(ペッパー) for Biz 基本プラン、Pepper(ペッパー) for Biz あんしん保証パックの37ヶ月目以降の契約は別途ソフトバンクから案内がされます。




Pepper for Biz料金(レンタル・あんしん保証パックなし)

Pepper for Biz料金(レンタル・あんしん保証パックあり)



Pepper for Biz料金(買い取り・あんしん保証パックなし)

Pepper for Biz料金(買い取り・あんしん保証パックあり)




【5/19追記】Pepper(ペッパー) Android対応版の価格・料金


・基本プラン:「Pepper(ペッパー) 基本プラン」
・保証サービス:「Pepper(ペッパー) 保険パック」


Pepper (開発者モデル・Android対応)料金


まとめ:一般 108万円/Biz 225万円/Android 97万円




モデル 契約方法・支払い方法 合計金額
買い取り・分割払い 108万円
買い取り・一括払い 108万円
Pepper(ペッパー) for Biz
レンタル・月額払い 198万円 (あんしん保証パックなし)
買い取り・一括払い 225万円 (あんしん保証パックなし)
買い取り・分割払い 97万円


一般販売モデルや法人向けモデルのPepper(ペッパー)は現在のところAndroid対応はしていませんので、今となっては割高に感じられなくもないです。しかし、法人で大事なあんしん保証パックや電話サポート、代替機の手配などはAndroid対応版にはないと考えられ、非常に悩ましい状況となっています。 この辺りの戦略は業種・会社様によって大分違い、既に複数の導入企業様から相談を受けていますが、三者三様といったところです。 生活革命では「今のPepper(ペッパー)を有効活用しつつ、新たなPepper(ペッパー)をどう扱っていくか?」 や、「新しいPepper(ペッパー)がほしいのだけど、いつどういった形で導入するべきか?」「とりあえずはPepper(ペッパー)のレンタルで凌ぐべきか。。。」と言った企業様毎のコンサルテーションも行っていますので、活用いただければと思います。







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[5/19 Android Model Additional Notes] What Differs Between Pepper Models? [Value/Cost Analysis]

This post is also available in: 日本語 (Japanese)

Renewed on May 19, 2015
As additional details regarding Pepper’s Android functionality have been released by SoftBank, we have added the price and fees for the Android version.

Related Article: 3 Reasons for Concern about Buying Pepper. Android News: New Model Presentation!

This is our second part, following our previous commentary on the Pepper corporate model.

Previous Article:
You’ll Understand in 3 Minutes: Simple Explanation of Pepper for Biz  

Recently, the chances of seeing Pepper on the street have really increased. At our company, we specialize in corporate industry-use Pepper application development and installation support. We have seen an increase in questions from companies that are considering introducing Pepper, along the lines of “What can Pepper do, anyway?” and “Which plan is the best to use?”.

You may have seen it on SoftBank’s homepage before, but you probably wonder about not only the features and plans, but also what your company would use it for, how much it costs, and other information.

Seikatsu Kakumei has recently been renting Pepper out for many events, so we are often thought of as a Pepper rental company. Actually, however, we are a SoftBank authorized sales agency. Seikatsu Kakumei has recently been renting Pepper out for many events, so we are often thought of as a Pepper rental company. Actually, however, we are a SoftBank authorized sales agency. From the perspective of our company, which has significant experience with and knowledge of Pepper, we are going to provide easy-to-understand examples for those who want to know about Pepper in more detail. We hope that it will prove helpful for those who are considering purchasing Pepper.

In this article, in addition to Pepper (basic model) and Pepper for Biz (corporate model), we have compared the value and cost of the Android version of Pepper which was announced on May 19, 2016 (development model). Actually, the various models differ in payment method (one-time vs. installment plan) and contract method (purchase vs. rental), so monthly payments and total amounts will vary. Just from the homepage information, isn’t the finalized cost after installment a bit concerning? Furthermore, some readers may be concerned about why charges are incurred in addition to the robot body. In this article, we have compiled the necessary costs of Pepper installation. If you just read this article, you’ll be fine in understanding the complicated plan charges and installation methods.

*This article’s contents are based on information from May 19, 2016. It was created using information described on SoftBank’s homepage and Terms of Use.




What Fees are Involved in Installing Pepper?

Three basic costs are incurred when making an agreement with SoftBank to use Pepper. In addition to buying the robot body, the basic service plan for use and insurance plan are necessary.

<Pepper Body>
Whether buying or renting, it is necessary to pay for the Pepper body. In addition to the Pepper robot itself, the charger and other accessories required for use are included.

<Basic Plan>
This basic plan is necessary to use Pepper efficiently. With the basic plan, you can enjoy conversations with the robot and use applications to make it perform work. The details of the basic plan differ between the basic and corporate models. (Detailed information can be found in tomorrow’s article release comparing the features and services of the basic and corporate models.)

<Insurance Service>
Since Pepper is a precision machine made with many parts, there is a possibility that the costs of repair may increase. To offer peace of mind in the event of a failure, services are offered at a fixed monthly fee which discount or exempt repair costs incurred at the time of failure. Under the standard warranty, just entering the standard warranty service covers breakdowns even outside of the range, so it is like insurance. The details of the warranty service differ between the basic and corporate models. (Detailed information can be found in tomorrow’s article release comparing the features and services of the basic and corporate models.)


Pepper(Basic Retail Model)Value, Cost

For the basic retail model, there is a choice between a one-time payment and an installment plan. The installment plan lasts for 36 months.

There are various service names,
・Basic plan: “Pepper Basic Plan”
・Warranty service: “Pepper Insurance Pack”

The basic retail model requires the basic plan and insurance pack, with a 36-month agreement.
For the Pepper Basic Plan, SoftBank will inform the user about additional agreements before the 37th month.
For the Pepper Insurance Pack, after 37 months any failures will be estimated on an individual basis.

Here is how the one-time and installment payment plans work.

<Robot body paid upfront, with installment plans for the basic plan and insurance service>
Pepper(一般販売モデル) 分割払い



<Everything paid upfront>
Pepper(一般販売モデル) 分割払い


In either case, the total cost is the same, at approximately 1,080,000 JPY.

Furthermore, the basic model is sold under the primary assumption that it will be used for household purposes, but it can be contracted under either a personal or company name.


Pepper for Biz(Corporate Model)Value, Cost

With Pepper for Biz, there are two choices for installation: rental and purchase.

The service names are:
・Basic plan: “Pepper for Biz Basic Plan”
・Warranty service: “Pepper for Biz Security Insurance Pack”

The Pepper for Biz Basic Plan is required for rentals and optional for purchasers. The Pepper for Biz Security Insurance Pack is required, with a 36-month agreement.
SoftBank will inform users of the Pepper for Biz Basic Plan and of the Pepper for Biz Security Insurance Plan about agreement renewals before the 37th month.

Here is a breakdown of the costs of renting and purchasing.

<Rental plan>

・Without Security Insurance Plan
Pepper for Biz料金(レンタル・あんしん保証パックなし)

・With Security Insurance Plan
Pepper for Biz料金(レンタル・あんしん保証パックあり)
*The rental period lasts 36 months. Even in the case of early cancellation, the user must pay for the full 36 months.


<Purchase plan>

・Without Security Insurance Plan
Pepper for Biz料金(買い取り・あんしん保証パックなし)

・With Security Insurance Plan
Pepper for Biz料金(買い取り・あんしん保証パックあり)


At 36 months, the rental is comparatively cheaper.


【5/19 Additional Notes】Pepper(Android Compatible Version)Value, Cost

The Android-compatible development model is paid for by installment plan, with a payment period of 36 months.

The service names are as follows:
・Basic plan: “Pepper Basic Plan”
・Warranty service: “Pepper Insurance Pack”

The service agreement period is 36 months.

Here is an overview of costs for the Android-compatible model.

<Robot body only paid upfront, with basic plan and warranty service paid over an installment period of 36 months >
Pepper (開発者モデル・Android対応)料金


In Short: Basic 1,080,000 JPY/Biz 2,250,000 JPY/Android 970,000 JPY

Here is a summary of the information we have explained:

・The basic retail model can be paid upfront or in installment plans
・The corporate model is available for rental or purchase
・The development model (Android compatible) can only be paid in installments
・Regardless of model and installation method, the service agreement period is 36 months
・The basic retail model runs about 1,080,000 yen, the corporate model runs about 2,250,000 yen, and the developers’ Android model runs about 970,000 yen


Model Installation method, payment method Total cost
Basic retail model
Purchase, installment pay plan 1,080,000 Yen
Purchase, upfront payment 1,080,000 Yen
Pepper for Biz
Corporate model
Rental: monthly payment 1,980,000 Yen (Without Security Insurance Pack)
2,330,000 Yen 
(With Security Insurance Pack)
Purchase, upfront payment 2,250,000 Yen (Without Security Insurance Pack)
2,600,000 Yen 
(With Security Insurance Pack)
Development model
(Android compatible)
Purchase, installment pay plan 970,000 Yen

As you can see, the Android development model is the cheapest at 970,000 yen.

The basic retail and corporate models cannot currently be used with Android, so they don’t feel inexpensive right now.

However, considering that the corporate model’s important Security Insurance Pack and telephone support, arrangement for alternative machines, etc. are not available with the Android version, it could lead to exceptionally troubling circumstances. This strategy may vary greatly between industries and companies; multiple companies have already undergone consultations, but it is a highly individual decision. At Seikatsu Kakumei, we’ve had many inquiries from businesses such as, “We’re using the current Pepper with no problems. How should we deal with the new Pepper?” and “We want the new Pepper, but how and when should we introduce it?”, but we think it can be used.

Next time, we will compare and explain the features and services of the basic retail and corporate models.


In this article, we introduced how to purchase or rent Pepper from SoftBank, but we at Seikatsu Kakumei offer Pepper event rental services starting from one day in length! We have an abundance of event experience, so for Pepper event consulting or Pepper event operation, so please be sure to consult with us if you are looking for an outside contractor.

Numerous case examples and achievements! Introduction of our Pepper usages:

Event rentals starting from one day OK! Accepting rental service inquiries!
E-mail us your inquiries!


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