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Pepper Does Reception Work
Continuing from the last time, this is a case of our Pepper rental at Foundation Venture Support Center Saitama’s sponsored event. This time, we’re showing you Pepper’s reception work.
Here is the state of reception.

Visitors are greeted in various ways. Look at Pepper, seeming to understand with a glance that this is the meeting venue.
Everyone, after the initial surprise, was very interested. A sense of calm was brought to the stiff atmosphere.

Many people also had a business interest in Pepper; at the venue, many people discussed what kind of business they were considering.
(That may have been because this was an exchange seminar meeting.)
The Future of Pepper Reception is…
On the other hand, as this time Pepper was primarily in charge of greetings, so giving visitors a fun welcome was the main job, but at our company, we also offer even more practical reception work ability. At Seikatsu Kakumei, even further practical reception ability is under research and development.
In the next renewal, we’ll show the state of presentations by Pepper.
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