「失敗できない」ロボット・Pepper(ペッパー)のレンタル・イベント運営なら生活革命。 国・自治体・医療・銀行・訪日など「失敗できない」イベントでのレンタル実績が豊富です。 独自のロボット強化システム「なんでも喋るロボ」で桁違いに賢いPepperの派遣・レンタルも実施。

[Event News] New Robot Game Pepper Boxing a Hit Sensation at Robot Saitama!

This post is also available in: English (英語)



This time, we’re bringing you our report of Robot Saitama 2015, held for the first time at Wester Kawagoe on November 3rd. Previously, after participating in an award ceremony for Saitama Prefecture Governor Ueda, there was an event for children and families in which our Pepper software was also utilized.

Now, we’re reporting on one of them: Pepper Boxing, which children played.


Pepper Boxing also proved very popular at Maker Faire Tokyo 2015.

In Pepper Boxing, Pepper is moved by a game controller for a new sensation of robot game.

In response to buttons pushed on the game controller, Pepper moves left, right, straight, and can perform hooks and secret moves, enveloping the user in a strong sense of the robot’s movements.

The game is played with one Pepper against another Pepper. When a player scores 10 points against their opponent, they win. Even small children can play this simple game with ease.

As a Pepper was spotted working in Wester Kawagoe’s home electronics store the day before, there was some concern that the children of Kawagoe were already used to seeing Pepper and might not be very excited.

However, that worry was proven unfounded. At the start of the Pepper Boxing event, approximately 200 children had already gathered! Around 3% of the guests had come just for the 15 minute event. The crowd buzzed that they really wanted to be able to move Pepper themselves and give it a try. Our company was pleased that, equipped with our boxing software, this Pepper was recognized as distinct from a regular one.


As the moderator asked, “Does anyone want to play?”, an astounding number of around 100 hands were raised to participate, along with calls of “YES!”, “YES!”, “YES!”, in a reaction that could only be described as crazy!


The children who were able to try it out became absorbed in the Pepper fight. All who participated were highly impressed and pleased. The audience watched with envious expressions, surprised by Pepper’s fast movements. It would seem that not only the participants who were able to control the two Peppers, but also the audience watching had a lot of fun.

Pepper Boxing proved itself even more popular than before, with the entire staff able to feel the guests’ reactions and response.


Due to time constraints, unfortunately only 5 people were able to try the game out at this time, but we highly recommend it for those who would like to call Pepper to a family-oriented event and want to feature something different besides conversation. Please be sure to contact us with your enquiry!

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【イベント報告】新感覚ロボットゲーム Pepper(ペッパー)ボクシングがロボットSAITAMAでも大好評!

This post is also available in: English (英語)



今回は、引き続き11月3日にウェスタ川越で初開催された『ロボットSAITAMA 2015』の報告です。 前回ご紹介した埼玉県上田知事の表彰式の参加の後、お子様・ファミリー向けのイベントがあり、そこでも弊社のPepper(ペッパー)ソフトウェアが活躍しました。



Maker Faire Tokyo2015でも大好評だったPepper(ペッパー)ボクシングです。






しかし、そんなことは杞憂でした。Pepper(ペッパーくん)ボクシングのイベントが始まると200名くらいの子供たちが集まってくれました!! 来場者数の3%近くが立った15分のイベントのために来てくれたことになります。話を聞いてみると、Pepper(ペッパーくん)を”自分で動かせると聞いて、すごいやりたいと思った”とのことでした。 弊社のボクシングソフトを組み込んだPepper(ペッパーくん)は普通のPepper(ペッパーくん)とは明らかに違うものとして認識されていて、大変嬉しく思いました。







今回は時間の都合で5名しか体験していただけなかったのが本当に残念なのですが、ファミリー向けイベント等でPepper(ペッパーくん)を呼びたい、他のところとは違いことをさせたとお考えの方には、とてもお勧めだと思います。会話をするのとは違ったPepper(ペッパー)の楽しみ方をご提案ですので、是非お問い合わせください。 生活革命ではPepper(ペッパーくん)やロボットのレンタルやイベント企画・運営を承っています。

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